Sunday, January 5, 2020

Leadership Styles And Philosophies Of Leadership Essay

Leadership and You Leaders play a crucial role in the society and organizations, especially with regards to helping the organization achieve its objectives and purposes. These individuals use varying approaches to leadership that inform their practices in motivating organizational members towards the accomplishment of common objectives. Through their practices, leaders not only influence the behaviors of their followers or subordinates but also help in shaping organizational culture. The use of different leadership styles and philosophies is also attributed to the difference in concept and practices of the leader. Moreover, leaders can improve their effectiveness through adopting strategies that address the weaknesses of their leadership approaches since every leadership style or approach has certain weaknesses. Definition of Leadership Leadership is a term or concept that means different things to different people depending on the context of where the leadership practice takes place. As a result, different people have different definitions of what leadership is, which generates considerable problems in attempts to effectively define leadership. From a personal perspective, leadership is a means for talented individuals to influence others towards common objectives through sharing their knowledge and perspectives (Mielach, 2013). This is probably the most suitable definition of leadership given that the basis of leadership is to influence others regardless ofShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles And Leadership Philosophies3775 Words   |  16 Pages There are many leadership styles and leadership philosophies that can be applied to the healthcare environment of which each have their unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice to follow one leadership model versus another or to integrate one or more models together lies in the individual preference of the leader. 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