Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effective Management Practices in Health-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Effective Management in Health. Answer: Introduction Health maintenance plays the significant role in the healthcare that needs proper management within the setting so that it ensures proper functioning of the human resource and other resources. Along with this, proper functioning and effective management in healthcare entail a lot of resources in maintaining ones health and wellbeing(Sheldon, 2011). For the present report management case study has been having been selected that mainly focuses on reviewing issue or problem within the workplace. Thus, it will also focus on addressing different ways and strategies that are engaged in improving clinical care or management practice within the healthcare setting. Case Scenario In the healthcare setting, it has been identified that a 70-year-old patient is suffering from mental illness and asthma. Most of the time, she was verbally abused by the worker and got improper doses of medicines that has worsened the situation. The management of care home was unaware regarding the situation as there is no adequate policy or procedure related with managing care within the setting(Reeves, Lewin, Espin, Zwarenstein, 2011). However, Pediatric manager plays the significant role in the adult health care system, but the unavailability of Pediatric manager results in ineffective treatment can lead to an unnecessary test. Thus, it is essential to have proper management within the healthcare so that it supports in imparting proper care. On the other hand, there were no professionals or expertise in the healthcare that engage in delivering different care services to the different patient. Thus, the above stated case shows that there were ineffective staffs within the healthc are that deliver improper services to old age people that directly lead to impact their health condition. Through reviewing the case scenario two examples are used to illustrate that management theory can be applied to the scenario. The foremost example is related with synthesize the workflow through hiring adequate number of professionals within their healthcare so that it may deliver quality services and care to the patients. On the other hand, through reviewing the case it was identified that there were no such framed policy and procedure within the setting that would make management aware reading the problem or issue that arises within the healthcare. In this case scientific theory of management has been applied that set general guidelines related with managing the activities and service users. The need of management and their perspective Healthcare organisations are dynamic in nature that engages in the various level of hierarchy so that it may easily manage the provisions and area of health. It ensures that managers within the setting provide effective leadership well as supervision to their employees and staffs so that they may deliver quality and required services to the patient. It has been further assessed that managers are required to engage in organising and managing the tasks and activities among care workers, nurses and practitioners so that they may easily carry out the tasks in an effective manner(Prince, et al., 2015). In addition to this, it would also engage in managing the appropriate resources such as human and financial resources that support in delivering the standard and quality care to their different disease patient. In order to engage in various clinical and non-clinical activities, it is essential to focus on effective management practices so that it may easily manage the activities within the setting. it has been further critically stated that in the present context management practices and theories within the healthcare focuses on using the human resources as well as their proper participation so that they may impact quality services to different patient(Aveyard, 2014). Through contrasting the modern management theory with the traditional theory it has been assessed that in past practitioners and nurses were not involve in the setting and decision making that has impacted their services in the setting. Although in the present environment scientific management theory (modern management theory) has been applied to the scenario so that it may overcome the problem that arises within the setting. The management theory addresses the different ways through which managers and supervisors engage perfo rming their delegated activities that result in improving economic efficiency of the setting(Glasby, 2017). Along with this, healthcare using scientific management theory would engage in designing effective management structure and staffing of the personnel so that it may deliver adequate and quality services. With the help of enabling effective management theory it mainly concentrate on delivering the high quality, safe healthcare and enable staff to do their jobs effectively so that it ensure meeting the requirement of health and well-being. Along with this, enabling modern management approach within the setting engages in establishing the strong connection to the collective function despite of the individual's role within the system(Moule Hek, 2011). Thus, with the help of collaboration among various workers and staffs, it directly measures the accomplishment of attaining professional boundaries. On the other hand, it has also been stated that with the modern management theory healthcare setting also focuses on implementing effective leadership skills that have supported the management and manager in leading their staff towards attaining the quality outcome. Furthermore, it has been critically evaluated that effective management in healthcare would support in maintaining the adequate policy and procedure within the setting accordant with the devised legislation so that it may not engage in unethical or unwanted activities(Redmond, 2017). It has been further assessed that the modern healthcare settings are complex in nature thus; it is adequate for the registered nurse to have skills and ability to execute their effective roles and responsibility. In addition to this, effective leadership within the setting would assist the practitioners and nurses in developing their skills related with decision making, critical thinking along with the observance to engage in professional, mo ral and ethical practices(Baldwin, 2016). However, leadership and management are considered as an essential for professional practice. On the other hand, in the clinical setting effective leadership plays significant role as it ensure delivering high quality services and care system so that nurses or care worker may not engage in providing ineffective services. In the present environment, transformational leadership theory is considered as supportive approach in the healthcare as manager or general practitioners would influences the staffs or nurses in delivering the treatment and care through encouraging their beliefs towards attaining the desired aim and goals of healthcare(Reeves, Lewin, Espin, Zwarenstein, 2011). Effective practices in the health To impart effectively and quality treatment to different disease patients in the healthcare it is essential for the care workers and practitioners to engage in effective practices that must be done with the help of implementing effective management practices. Through reviewing the case scenario, it has been stated that there is the unavailability of Pediatric manager results in ineffective treatment can lead to the unnecessary test. Along with this, there were no such professionals or expertise in the healthcare that engage in delivering different care services to the different patient(Cameron, Lart, Bostock, Coomber, 2014). Thus, improper management of human resources within the setting has adversely affected the health and well-being of the patient. For this, it is essential for setting to have adequate management practices that support in empowering the practitioners and nurses so that it may impart quality services and care to patients. Furthermore, to ensure effective management practices within the healthcare, it must focus on implementing various legislation and standards so that it may easily manage the tasks and activities. The key legislation that must be implemented within the setting includes Health and Safety at Work Act 1974(Lowes Hulatt, 2013). With the help of implementing this act must ensure proper management of activities and equipment so that it may not harm or impact the health of staffs and employees. Along with this, implementing the act also ensure that staffs are safe in the workplace(Marshall, Crown, Padula, Wong, Osgood, 2015). Moreover, implementing standards within the healthcare also ensure proper controlling and guidance of the activities so that it may engage in effective treatment and services accordant with the guidance. It can be stated that there are certain practices which can be employed in healthcare to improve the overall quality of health in the best possible manner(Morgan, et al., 2017). Using approaches such as collaboration can be termed as very effective regarding improving the health. Strong collaboration between the nurses, management and community can be developed to formulate useful strategies to deliver more satisfactory services to the healthcare service users. Apart from this, the nurses can also employ strategies such as telehealth to improve the overall quality of services linked to healthcare. For instance, the nurses can engage patient in before and after treatment and this can support in obtaining more satisfactory outcomes of the healthcare(Currie Lockett, 2011). Other than this, making the access of healthcare more convenient is another major strategy which can be used as a best practice model in the healthcare. It can be argued that instead of focusing only on providing the high quality of healthcare services cannot be considered as the best practice in healthcare. Based on the information collected, corrective measures are required to be taken by the nurses so that access to healthcare remains convenient and the positive experience can be delivered to the patients. Recommendation Through reviewing the above case scenario and ineffective management practices within the healthcare setting, it has been recommended that it must engage in effective and modern management practices. With the help of modern management practices within the healthcare setting, it supports in allocating the services and tasks among nurses and practitioners so that they may easily engage in effectively performing their services and activities(Boulware, Cooper, Ratner, LaVeist, Powe, 2016). On the other hand, with the help of recommending modern management practices within the setting also allow their staffs and other workers to engage in enhancing their clinical practices so that at the time of emergency they must engage in delivering quality and standard care. On the other hand, it has been evaluated that personal effectiveness of individual supports in promoting the rights of the individual within the health and social care setting(Leggat, Bartram, Stanton, 2011). With the personal effectiveness among the service users, they can easily take decisions by their own regarding the medical practices so that it may result in improving their health issues and problems. In addition to this, through reviewing the case, it has been further recommended that setting must engage in implementing multi-disciplinary team with the help of this patient may easily acquire the quality and range of services within the setting. With the help of multi-disciplinary team, it must focus on collaborating the various professionals and expertise so that they may impart quality of services to their patients(Currie Lockett, 2011). Furthermore, it has also been recommended that healthcare setting must engage in 3 steps to prioritise the clinical quality improvement that overcomes or eliminate the unwanted activities. The first step in the clinical quality improvement includes implementing healthcare enterprise data warehouse foundation through which all the data of healthcare system collaborate into the single source so that it may easily drive the clinical quality improvement(Bridges, Davidson, Soule Odegard, Maki, Tomkowiak, 2011). Another step in the process includes identifying improvement priorities so that manager or supervisor may easily tackle the needs of improvement among the patients. Thus, the last step in the improvement process includes gaining consensus from the clinical team within the setting in order to ensure or define the areas that are needed for improvement. Along with this, it has also been recommended that effective management and practices with the healthcare support in delivering quality care and treatment to different patients so that it enhances their health and well-being. In addition to this, it has been further stated that effective management helps the manager of healthcare in allocating the adequate tasks and activities among the practitioners so that it may impart required services. Thus, with the help of reviewing management case study, I have assessed that effective management practice within the setting plays the significant role as it overcomes the ineffective services that are performed by their staffs(Glasby, 2017). Along with this, I have also gained information regarding the significance of leadership as it act as the effective provision that leads to deliver quality and standard care to the patients. For the health care organizations it is essential to provide patients with quality healthcare services this culture has allowed the continued high-quality care at multiple levels that benefit the overall setting. Conclusion With the help of considering the above report, it has been summarised that there is the significant importance of leadership is widely recognised as a key part of overall effective healthcare as its supports in delivering the quality of services and treatment. Along with this, it has also concluded that with the effective management practices within the setting it positively influence their health management and clinical practices. 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